Revolutionizing Limo and Airport Transfers - May Release

Exciting updates! Enhanced multi-select and mobile UI in the Command Center, improved fare editing, and VIP client management. Better driver and vehicle organization, offline driver assignments, and faster map loading. Plus, a sneak peek at our upcoming Driver PWA web app!

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Revolutionizing Limo and Airport Transfers - May Release

We are thrilled to announce a series of powerful updates to our platform. Our team has been hard at work to enhance your experience and provide new tools to make your operations smoother and more efficient. Here’s what’s new:

Command Center Improvements

  • Enhanced Multi-Select in Cue View: You can now easily select multiple orders by expanding the tap area and using Shift to quickly select all or a subset of orders.
  • Mobile Cue UI Enhancements: The mobile cue interface is now more readable, with highlighted booking statuses, customer names, and driver contact information prominently displayed.
  • Improved Fare Editing: We’ve made it less frustrating to change or edit booking fares. With the new rule, overridden prices remain unchanged unless a hard reset is performed. No more auto-applying surge times when updating booking details.
  • VIP Corporate Accounts: Mark all users of a corporate account as VIP for streamlined service.
  • Payment Activity Visibility: View payment activities for all transactions related to a trip or booking.

Managing Drivers and Vehicles

We’ve enhanced the organization of driver and vehicle management, making it easier to update information. The new interface features separate tabs for drivers and vehicles, ensuring you can quickly access and manage relevant details with ease.

Enhanced Reservation Flow

  • Offline Driver Assignments: Assign jobs to offline drivers. Notifications will be sent via push or email.
  • Pending Orders Tab: Introducing a new tab for trips that require driver acceptance or rejection.
  • Driver Notifications: Assign jobs to offline drivers with push notifications or email alerts for new job offers.

Third Party API Improvements

  • Flexible Booking Modifications: Modify pickup dates and times for third-party API bookings.
  • Detailed Activity Logs: Store third-party booking details in activity logs for easy reference.

Other Notable Enhancements

  • Support better routes and deep links within the customer app.
  • Optimized Command Center Map View: Faster loading times by optimizing back-end queries.
  • Agency and Staff Management: Support for agencies or staff to manage specific food and grocery merchants.
  • Database Upgrades: Improved performance, speed, and optimization of database read and write operations.
  • Monthly Maintenance and Upgrades: Regular updates to ensure top performance.
  • Lazy Loading: Reduced file loading sizes for increased speed and optimization.
Expect a phase per phase roll out for these features in the month of June.

Sneak Peak

We're about to unveil something revolutionary. It's a game-changer, and we can't wait for you to experience it. Here's an exclusive sneak peek. Stay tuned; you won't want to miss this.